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MND’s Visit to SMU

SMU Office of Research – SMU hosted a visit for the Ministry of National Development (MND) and its agencies on 30 October 2015. The visit was led by the Deputy Secretary (Services)/MND and the Director (Research & Development)/MND.

The objective of MND’s visit was to gain a better understanding of SMU’s research capabilities and focus areas, and to discuss possible scope of SMU’s research in relevance to the Land and Liveability National Innovation Challenge (L2 NIC). The L2 NIC is a multi-agency initiative led by MND and the National Research Foundation (NRF) which seeks to leverage on Research and Development (R&D) to develop innovative technological solutions to increase Singapore’s land capacity for long-term development needs.

During the visit, Provost Professor Lily Kong provided an overview on SMU’s research focus, followed by a series of presentations by SMU Professors in the areas related to urban management and sustainability. In addition, the visitors had a short lab tour to the Livelabs, viewing the research test-bed focused on mobile computing technologies. The visit went quite well and the attendees had fruitful discussions at the end of the event.

After the visit, Mr Tay Kim Poh, Deputy Secretary (Services), sent an email to express his appreciation to SMU for hosting the visit and commented that he was impressed by the range of work done by SMU. He also hoped that SMU could continue to work closely across faculties and with agencies on interdisciplinary research and participate in their future grant calls. 

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