Singapore Management University (SMU) is a dynamic city university in the heart of Singapore. We are a specialised university focused on Management, Social Sciences and Technology, and their intersections. We adopt an integrated research-teaching-learning-practice approach that fosters innovative learning experiences and develops influential change agents and leaders. We create positive impact on business, government and society in Asia and beyond.
In this video, SMU's Vice Provost of Research Professor Archan MISRA provides an overview of SMU's Research based on three multi-disciplinary Strategic Priorities (SPs) - Sustainable Living, Digital Transformation and Growth in Asia.
The following faculty also share about the excellent research work they have done under each SP:
- Sustainable Living - Professor Paulin Tay STRAUGHAN on Successful Ageing;
- Digital Transformation - Associate Professor Hady LAUW on Recommender Systems; and
- Growth in Asia - Professor Nadja ALEXANDER on International Dispute Resolution.
Watch till the end of the video to find out more about the research areas/initiatives that SMU will be focusing on in the next couple of years.
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