Check out the list of ten most downloaded School of Economics papers* below from Institutional Knowledge (InK) at SMU for the period of February – April 2019. Click on the links below to read the papers!
1. Impact of Food Inflation on Poverty in the Philippines
Tomoki FUJII
Winston T. H. KOH
3. Singapore's Housing Policies: 1960-2013
Sock Yong PHANG, Kyunghwan KIM
4. Singapore's Exchange Rate Policy: Some Implementation Issues
Hwee Kwan CHOW
5. The Singapore Model of Housing and the Welfare State
Sock-Yong PHANG
6. Supply Elasticity of Housing
Kyunghwan KIM, Sock-Yong PHANG, Susan WACHTER
7. Curbing urban traffic congestion in Singapore: A comprehensive review
Sock-Yong PHANG, R Toh
8. Singapore’s Housing Policies: Responding to the Challenges of Economic Transitions
Sock-Yong PHANG
9. Exchange Rate Changes and Trade Balance: An Empirical Study of the Case of Japan
Ziwei SHAO
10. Singapore’s Growth and Income Inequality
Kong Weng HO
* Based on the average number of full-text downloads per day since the paper was posted.
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