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When Blockchain & AI Come Together: Possibilities & Impacts

Update: Due to overwhelming response, registration for the event is now closed. We would like to thank everyone who signed up, and extend apologies to those who missed out. Many thanks for your support!

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is about building increasingly intelligent software, systems, and entities. Blockchain is an open, distributed ledger that can record transactions between two parties efficiently and in a verifiable and permanent way1.

AI makes software-based systems more aware and smarter. Blockchain makes it possible to securely automate transactions and agreements, and to openly validate what has happened and who did what. 

What happens when Blockchain and AI come together? What are the possibilities? What are the impacts?

In this panel, our distinguished Speakers will share their respective insights on Blockchain, on AI, and on the intersection of the two. They will share their thoughts on the possibilities of this intersection, and on the implications of the possibilities.

John Hopcroft is a renowned computer scientists and he received the Turing Award (the equivalent of the Nobel Prize in Computing) for his outstanding scientific contributions to the computing field. Efim Zelmanov is a recipient of the Fields Medal (the equivalent of the Nobel Prize in Mathematics), known for his mathematical work on non-associative algebra and group theory and the Burnside problem. Sopnendu Mohanty is the Chief Financial Technology Officer of the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), responsible for creating development strategies and regulatory policies around technology innovation to “better manage risks, enhance efficiency and strengthen competitiveness in the financial sector”.  

This talk is targeted for the general public, and for people from a wide range of backgrounds.

After the presentations, the Speakers will join us for a lively panel discussion that will be moderated by SMU Vice Provost of Research, Professor Steven Miller.

We welcome students, industry professionals, members of public and specialists in these areas to join us for this event! Seats are limited and will be on a first-come-first-served basis. A confirmation email will be sent out to all successful registered participants.

Date: Wednesday, 24 January 2018


(Registration and light refreshments start 4:30pm; panel discussion starts at 5pm)


Mochtar Riady Auditorium, Level 5
SMU Administration Building
81 Victoria Street, Singapore 188065












This event is held in conjunction with Global Young Scientists Summit 2018, organised by the

National Research Foundation Singapore.

1 Iansiti M., Lakhani K. (2017 January). The Truth About Blockchain. Retrieved from Harvard Business Review at

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