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Yong Pung How School of Law Most Popular Papers (Feb-Apr 2023)

Check out the list of ten most downloaded Yong Pung How School of Law papers* from Institutional Knowledge (InK) at SMU for the period of February-April 2023. Click on the links below to read the papers!

1. Contract Law [2014]

Yihan GOH, Pey Woan LEE, Chee Ho THAM

2. Hart v Finnis: How will Positivism and Natural Law Account for the Socio-Legal Paradigm in Wikipedia

Siyuan CHEN

3. Exclusion of duty and the irreducible core content of trusteeship: A re-assessment

Rebecca LEE, Man YIP

4. Navigating the maze: Making sense of equitable compensation and account of profits for breach of fiduciary duty

Man YIP, Yihan GOH

5. The role of the law of unjust enrichment in Singapore

Hang Wu TANG

6. Wrongful Convictions in Singapore: A General Survey of Risk Factors

Siyuan CHEN, Eunice CHUA

7. The case against physician-assisted suicide and voluntary active euthanasia: A jurisprudential consideration

Seow Hon TAN

8. Revisiting the law of confidence in Singapore and a proposal for a new tort of misuse of private information

Cheng Lim SAW, Zheng Wen Samuel CHAN, Wen Min CHAI

9. The Constructive Trust in Singapore: Five Persistent Puzzles

Hang Wu TANG

10. The impact of the rules of court 2021 on the law of evidence

Siyuan CHEN


* Based on the average number of full-text downloads per day since the paper was posted.

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