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Upcoming Funding Opportunities

Launch Date

Deadline for Submission to ORE

Deadline for Submission to Funding Agency

Funding Agency / Grant Name



Mar 2014

Jun 2014

Jul 2014

eduLab (an MOE-NIE initiative) / eduLab Project Funding

Click here for more details. 

IHLs are to partner teachers (primary, secondary or JC levels) in developing pedagogical innovations that are enriched by Interactive Digital Media (IDM). The innovation should involve one or more curricular subjects at the primary, secondary or JC levels, and be related to at least 1 of these themes: a) ICT for Self-Directed Learning; b) ICT for Collaborative Learning; c) ICT in Assessment.

Tier 1: Below S$200,000

Tier 2: S$200,000 to less than S$1 million

Tier 3: S$1 milllion and above

Apr 2014

May 2014

Jun 2014

Neptune Orient Lines Fellowship (NOLF) Programme

Click here for details.

1. Logistics Information Technology
2. Logistics Infrastructure and Systems
3. Supply Chain Management
4. Air Pollution, Water Pollution and Energy Efficiency Management

Up to S$400,000

Apr 2014

May 2014

Jun 2014


Click here for details.

To promote ICT R&D collaborations between European Union (EU) and South East Asia (SEA).

Individual travel grant:
up to €2,000;

Event or cooperation grant:
up to €10,000  

Mar 2014

May 2014

Jun 2014

Ministry of Health (MOH) / Health Services Research Competitive Research Grant (HSR CRG)

Click here for more details. 

To study how social factors, financing systems, organisational structures and processes, health technologies, and personal behaviours affect access to health care, the quality and cost of healthcare, and ultimately health and wellbeing.

Phase 1 & 2 Projects (include pilot and smaller scale projects and/or those that are exploratory in nature):
Up to S$200,000

Phase 3 Projects (include larger scale effectiveness trials in multi-centre projects):
Up to S$1 million

Mar 2014

Please contact ORe for details

May 2014

Request for Proposal by Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Institute

Click here for more details. 

To support research projects in the following areas only: Research on Business and Organisational Aspects of WSH; Research on WSH Risks and Solutions.

No funding cap

Mar 2014

Please contact ORe for details

May 2014

Grant Call to develop Cybersecurity R&D Capabilities in Singapore 

Click here for more details. 

The inaugural grant call aims to develop Cybersecurity R&D capabilities that will go beyond what Commercial-Off-The-Shelve Cybersecurity products can offer. The projects are expected to meet the national strategic security needs of Singapore.

Up to S$10 million per project



Jun 2014

Microsoft Research / Windows Azure Research Award Program

Click here for details.

The Windows Azure for Research Award Program facilitates and accelerates scholarly and scientific research by enabling researchers to use the power of Windows Azure to perform big data computations in the cloud.

Large allocations of Windows Azure storage and compute resources for a period of one year.

Mar 2014

Please contact ORe for details

Jun 2014

The Spencer Foundation / Small Research Grants in the Areas of Inquiry

Please click here for details.

To invite research proposals in (a) the relation between education and social opportunity; (b) organisational learning in schools, school systems and higher education systems; (c) teaching, learning and instructional resources; (d) purposes and values of education; (e) field-initiated proposals.

Up to US$50,000

Mar 2014

Please contact ORe for details

Jun 2014


The Spencer Foundation / Initiative on the New Civics 

Please click here for details.

To invite research proposals that ask critical questions about how education can more effectively contribute to the civic development of young people.

Up to US$50,000;


Mar 2014

Please contact ORe for details


The Spencer Foundation / Initiative on Philosophy in Educational Policy and Practice (IPEPP)

Please click here for details.

To strengthen work that brings the tools and perspectives of contemporary moral and political philosophy to bear on concrete problems that may arise in addressing problems of education practice and policy.

Up to US$40,000

May 2014

Jun 2014

Jul 2014

A*STAR Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC) / Public Sector Research Funding (PSF)

Click here for details.

Seek proposal in areas of upstream research, and/or exploring novel concepts.

Up to S$1 million

Please contact Selly Julianty at sjulianty [at] (subject: RE%3A%20Upcoming%20Funding%20Opportunities)  or Joanne Liang at joanneliang [at] (subject: RE%3A%20Upcoming%20Funding%20Opportunities)  if you are interested to apply for the above programmes.